Make the connection and receive evidence of your crossed over loved ones and their continued life on the other side. Join Shauna Domalain, Transformational Medium, as she takes you on a journey to connect with your inner mediumship gifts while experiencing the spirit world in a meaningful, loving way. Love never dies and our lost loved ones are always eager to make the connection!

Monday Jan 01, 2024
Laurel Bleadon-Maffei - Illuminating Souls
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Joyful, loving and magnetic, Laurel is a teacher’s teacher who is here to inspire Lightworkers to step forward into their life mission. She firmly believes many people are here to up-level the vibration of loving on the planet, creating the next shift in the evolution of human consciousness. Laurel holds a big space in which people can experience transformation. She assists her clients in attuning to their own divinity, creativity and magic. Her work is not about bringing forward the answers for others, but rather facilitating people in connecting with their own inner wisdom, guidance and intuition.
Connect with Laurel:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Illuminating...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/illuminatin...
Website: https://www.illuminatingsouls.com/
Earth Angels Oracle Deck: The Earth Angels Oracle (Tarot Size) - Illuminating Souls | DriveThruCards.com
In this episode we explore:
- Laurel’s awakening in 2000
- Divine Love – everything we are is loved
- Angelic love & compassion
- The journey of discovery as we are a soul having a human experience
- Josephus & The Wisdom Counsel
- Using your imagination as a gateway to access the Angels
- The Earth Angels Oracle Deck
- And, so much more!
You can learn more or schedule a session with Shauna at www.livealifeyoulove.org or email shauna@livealifeyoulove.org
With love, Shauna xo
©2024 Shauna Domalain

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Our Loved Ones in Spirit are Always With Us
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
The essence of our Loved Ones in Spirit lives on. If you look for it you'll find it. Think of all the advice your Loved One gave you, or everything you learned from them. Maybe you have features that resemble your Loved One in Spirit, I know I sure do!
Our Loved Ones live on in our hearts, leaving heart prints throughout our lives. If you look for them, you'll find them.
In this episode:
- How our Loved Ones leave us signs
- Looking for heart prints
- Love and memories cannot be erased
- Keeping their essence alive
- Common signs from our Loved Ones
- And, so much more!
You can learn more or schedule a session with Shauna at www.livealifeyoulove.org or email shauna@livealifeyoulove.org
SPECIAL EVENT: December 15, 2023 - Growing Up In Heaven Online Event -
With love,
Shauna xo
©2023 Shauna Domalain

Monday Nov 20, 2023
Medium Charlotte Lomenda - The Silver Lining Healer
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
At 34, I had near death experience due to a serious accident. Four months later, a stroke and several years after, a Kundalini awakening. My journey has been an enlightening path ever since. Helping those to heal through messages from loved ones on the Other Side, to channeling Divine words through the voice of The Higher Self, that of who we truly are.
Connect with Charlotte:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/charlottellomendaok
Instagram: Charlotte Lomenda (@thesilverlininghealer) | Instagram profile
Website: thesilverlininghealer.com
In this episode we explore:
- Charlotte’s Near-Death Experience
- Tips for connecting to your Higher Self
- Spiritual self care
- Hearing Angels and Guides
- Messages from the Other Side
- Living Authentically
- Choosing to win and overcome life’s challenges
- And, so much more!
You can learn more or schedule a session with Shauna at www.livealifeyoulove.org or email shauna@livealifeyoulove.org
The Growing Up in Heaven Program is now available at www.livealifeyoulove.org where you'll learn a proven, step-by-step process to connect with, and experience your child as they grow up in Heaven.
With love, Shauna xo
©2023 Shauna Domalain

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Cathy Decker - Avery’s Legacy Spreading Love and Kindess
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
My name is Cathy Decker: Wife, Nurse, Auntie, Daughter, Friend, and (my favourite role) Mother to three beautiful children: Avery, Addison, and Duke.
On February 8th, 2016, my husband and I welcomed our first child into the world: Avery Violet Decker. Becoming a mother taught me the true meaning of unconditional love. Sadly, on March 9, 2017, Avery passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in her sleep.
My world completely changed that tragic day. There is nothing more painful than losing a child. It changes every part of you.
Grieving and mourning are the hardest work you will ever do. For me, I found such healing in connecting with other bereaved parents. This kinship led to creation of Avery’s Legacy.
Avery’s Legacy is a way for us to keep her memory alive all while supporting others.
Avery’s Legacy creates personalized bereavement boxes that are DONATED to families in Alberta who have recently experienced the death of a child (aged full term live birth to 18 years old).
Avery’s Legacy Bereavement Boxes are curated with locally made items that are intended to be meaningful, helpful and support a healthy grieving and mourning process.
Avery’s Legacy has expanded to offer Bereavement Boxes for purchase, as a way to show support to someone grieving any type of loss including loss of a grandparent, parent, spouse, sibling, child, pregnancy (miscarriage or stillbirth) relative, friend or pet.
Please visit www.averyslegacy.com for more information.
Connect with Cathy:
Website: www.averyslegacy.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/averys_legacy/
In this episode we explore:
- Avery Violet
- Finding your identity after the loss of a child
- Doing what feels right for you as you heal
- Signs from Avery
- Still Avery’s Mom – parenting her in Spirit
- Keeping Avery’s memory alive
- Avery’s Legacy – Personalized Bereavement Boxes
- And, so much more!
You can learn more or schedule a session with Shauna at www.livealifeyoulove.org or email shauna@livealifeyoulove.org
The Growing Up in Heaven Program is now available at www.livealifeyoulove.org where you'll learn a proven, step-by-step process to connect with, and experience your child as they grow up in Heaven.
With love, Shauna xo
©2023 Shauna Domalain

Monday Oct 09, 2023
Medium Michael Mayo - Spirit Speaks
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Michael Mayo is an internationally respected medium, author, astrologer, and spiritual teacher. He brings a practical, grounded, and evidential style to his spiritual work. With his passion for teaching and helping others discover their own unique spiritual connection, he has taught and worked globally. He is the founder of The Oakbridge Institute, an online school that strives to raise the standard of mediumship and psychic studies. He is also the author of Spirit Speak, a step-by-step guide to genuine spiritual communication. Throughout his 17+ years of working with the Spirit World, he has demonstrated his ability to connect with departed loved ones in both public demonstrations and private sittings. By bringing messages of love and hope from the Spirit world, his mission is to show that we, like love, are eternal.
Connect with Michael:
Website: https://www.mediummichaelmayo.com/
Book Spirit Speaks: Amazon.com: Spirit Speaks: A Step-by-Step & Evidence-Based Approach to Genuine Spirit Communication: 9780738773438: Mayo, Michael: Books
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mediummichaelmayo
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mediummichaelmayo/
In this episode we explore:
- The Oakbridge Institute - Michael's Center for Mediumistic and Psychical Studies
- Evidential Mediumship
- The Difference between psychism and mediumship
- Experiencing the world through mediumship
- Painting loved ones back to life during readings
- Spiritualizing the self
- The undying love of the Spirit World
- And, so much more!
You can learn more or schedule a session with Shauna at www.livealifeyoulove.org or email shauna@livealifeyoulove.org
The Growing Up in Heaven Program is now available at www.livealifeyoulove.org where you'll learn a proven, step-by-step process to connect with, and experience your child as they grow up in Heaven.
With love, Shauna xo
©2023 Shauna Domalain

Monday Sep 25, 2023
My Grief is Not Like Yours with Theo Boyd
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
In My Grief is Not Like Yours, Theo gives an unforgettable account of how quickly life can turn to grief. Beautifully woven, this book is threaded with memories and raw emotions that are seldom discussed. Theo shows readers how she endured the unimaginable. She walks beside anyone navigating through their grief, helping them feel less alone and guiding them to hope and healing.
"We are all unique, in life and in death. We are born, we live, we die, and we grieve, but my grief is not like yours." Theo Boyd
Connect with Theo:
Website: thinktheo.com
Book trailer: https://youtu.be/YQBa5FL5mL4
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheoBoyd4/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/think_theo/
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thinktheo
In this episode we explore:
- Giving a voice to grief
- The F-words - Friends, Family and Faith
- Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD)
- Happy to be in the room - the importance of being present
- How grief separates the children from the adults
- The ring in grief
- How grief brings everything to the surface
- Legacies filled with love
- And, so much more!
You can learn more or schedule a session with Shauna at www.livealifeyoulove.org or email shauna@livealifeyoulove.org
The Growing Up in Heaven Program is now available at www.livealifeyoulove.org where you'll learn a proven, step-by-step process to connect with, and experience your child as they grow up in Heaven.
With love, Shauna xo
©2023 Shauna Domalain

Monday Sep 11, 2023
You Have to Feel it to Heal it with Gianna DeMedio
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
My world turned upside down when my father had a heart attack in May of 2017. We spent five days fighting, praying, and hoping he would make a miraculous recovery, but it never came. My family and I said goodbye to him on May 22nd. The unexpected submersion into grief was by far the most difficult time of my life. Common thoughts included: Why are people saying “it never gets better”?! How am I ever supposed to function again? My life is over, right? During that time, I understood more of myself, I understood more of the world of grief, and I realized that there is a need for a greater understanding of loss for everyone. *Enter awkward stories of people who had no idea what to do or say around me after his death.*
The best grief advice I ever got was “Face it now. Don’t wait til later.” And that’s just what I did.
I found a great therapist who I saw weekly (though the first few sessions were just sobs), a psychiatrist who helped me appropriately medicate, and I started journaling about my grief. I know those few sentences make it seem so short and sweet– but it wasn’t. It was a lot of work. But I can confidently say I’m in the place where I am today because of the work I put in on myself.
I went to a storytelling competition in July of 2017… and WON! It was the first time I felt blood pumping through my veins again. I tried to figure out how to recapture that feeling and turned to podcasting. I knew nothing about the craft at the time, other than a microphone was involved and that I was comfortable in front of one.
I also wanted to create a store for modern sympathy gifts. After lots of late nights and Google rabbit holes, I eventually created the So Sorry For Your Loss podcast and blog and opened an ecommerce store called All The Skies. I have other resources too, like a Grief Resource Guide, Community, YouTube and social media accounts.
Connect with Gianna:
Website: Gianna DeMedio | Grief Expert
Instagram: Gianna DeMedio Simon (@sosorrywithgianna) • Instagram photos and videos
Shop: All The Skies (shopalltheskies.com)
In this episode we explore:
- You have to feel it to heal it
- Heart healing through connecting with others
- How the simplest things mean the most
- All the oceans, and all the skies
- How becoming a mother filled a void
- Signs and messages from the other side
- Time can't erase the love
- Moving on from loss and creating a life that is beautiful
- And, so much more!
You can learn more or schedule a session with Shauna at www.livealifeyoulove.org or email shauna@livealifeyoulove.org
The Growing Up in Heaven Program is now available at www.livealifeyoulove.org where you'll learn a proven, step-by-step process to connect with, and experience your child as they grow up in Heaven.
With love,
Shauna xo
©2023 Shauna Domalain

Monday Aug 21, 2023
4 Ways to Create with Spirit
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
The spirit world is always eager to create with you. In this episode, Shauna shares 4 ways that you can create with spirit and invite more magic into your world. Your spirit team is made up of so many beings of light, who are all waiting to assist and guide you. They may be angels, archangels, spirit guides or crossed over loved ones. Spirit is literally waiting in the wings to create with you!
In this episode learn...
- How to connect with your spirit - your true authentic self
- How to invite spirit into your world
- To notice any patterns in your life so you can change them
- How to ask spirit for steps to create a life you love
- And, so much more!
You can learn more or schedule a session with Shauna at www.livealifeyoulove.org or email shauna@livealifeyoulove.org
Connect with Shauna...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ownyourbrilliance
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shaunadomalainmedium/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shaunadomalainmedium?lang=en
With love and blessings, Shauna xo
©2023 Shauna Domalain