Make the connection and receive evidence of your crossed over loved ones and their continued life on the other side. Join Shauna Domalain, Transformational Medium, as she takes you on a journey to connect with your inner mediumship gifts while experiencing the spirit world in a meaningful, loving way. Love never dies and our lost loved ones are always eager to make the connection!

Friday Aug 02, 2024
Seven Ways to Come Back to Life After Suffering the Death of a Loved One
Friday Aug 02, 2024
Friday Aug 02, 2024
After losing a loved one, we often wonder if we will ever find any joy in living again.
Here are 7 ways that you can start making your way back to happiness after the loss of a loved one:
- Journal your feelings without holding back. Allow yourself to vent every thought, feeling and emotion regardless of how “good or bad” they seem. You can even come up with a "Joy List," and pick one thing to add to your world each week.
- Find a support group, therapist, healer, or even a bereavement group.
- Give yourself permission to take “as long as it takes” to recover. There is no timeline with grief, and it's different for everyone.
- Help someone in need or even volunteer your time.
- Take care of your body, mind and spirit. Try getting regular massages, meditate, take long walks, listening to music, and sleeping in.
- Create new traditions for the holidays and special events.
- Talk about your loved one with friends and family. Ask them to share their favorite memories of your loved one with you.
- And, so much more!
Private Readings: https://www.livealifeyoulove.org/sess...
Meet Your Guardian Angel Guided Meditation: https://mailchi.mp/livealifeyoulove.o...
Opening Things up Mini Mediumship Course: https://www.livealifeyoulove.org/open...
With love,
Shauna xo
©2024 Shauna Domalain
#mediumsoftiktok #medium #afterlife #spiritualtok #lifeafterloss #spirit #heaven #grief #lifeafterloss

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
The Shadow Allows the Light - Lynzy Therrien
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
If you are truly prepared to listen to what the Universe has been trying to tell you, where you can alter your own perception, I am here to help you pinpoint where you need improvement and how to accomplish it—if you're ready to set aside your ego and listen—from a spiritual perspective. Should you decide to move forward (and it's highly recommended that you do, as you're aware, or else you wouldn't be here), I would be delighted to assist you.
Lynzy's spiritual healing involves:
- Possessing what is necessary, rather than what is desired.
- Engaging in shadow work and understanding the masks we wear.
- Distinguishing between requests and boundaries.
- Prioritizing self-care by filling one's own cup.
- Comprehending personal triggers.
- Recognizing how shadows can reveal light.
- And, much more!
Connect with Lynzy:
- Linktree: https://linktr.ee/metaphysicallyrockin
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynzybynz/
- TikTok: 🪷LynzyBynz🪷 (@metaphysicallyrockin) | TikTok
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002075524791
Private Readings: https://www.livealifeyoulove.org/sess...
Meet Your Guardian Angel Guided Meditation: https://mailchi.mp/livealifeyoulove.o...
Opening Things up Mini Mediumship Course: https://www.livealifeyoulove.org/open...
With love, Shauna xo
©2024 Shauna Domalain

Monday Jun 17, 2024
Tommy Forsyth - The Wellness Hub YYC
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Hello! I'm Tommy Forsyth, and I'm passionate about breathwork and nervous system health.
My journey of self-discovery and healing has led me to incredible techniques that help reduce anxiety, balance nervous system capacity, and deeply enrich the overall quality of life.
Picture this: back in 2009, life had me in a tough spot with drug and alcohol addiction, even leading to homelessness. But guess what? That's just a chapter from my past that's set the stage for some pretty discoveries ahead that I can’t wait to share with you.
On that journey I organically connected with this amazing breathing technique that I called “dynamic breathwork”, and oh boy, did it open up a whole new universe for me! As I dove into it, I discovered the wealth of science-backed information speaking to the deep effects on nervous system regulation. It was a true “Aha” moment that instantly elevated my own health practice and gave me the ability to move through suppressed emotions, severe anxiety, and panic attacks that I had battled for a lifetime.
While I was already an NLP certified Life Coach and Heart Math meditation guide, bringing this particular type of breathwork into the mix created a whole new level of integration and nervous system health for me. It was truly life changing.
Now, I'm all about spreading joy and inspiration, and helping lovely folks like you find their own inner joy, and live anxiety-free. Together, we're learning to fill every precious moment with intention and, of course, lots and lots of purposeful breaths.
So, take a deep breath, and let’s dive into this beautiful journey together, shall we?
In this episode we explore:
- Tommy's recovery journey
- How we bring our traumas with us
- The Spiritual inventory of life - the connection with you, others and something bigger
- Heart Math and the coherent state
- The power of breathwork
- Why you don't have to go into trauma but you do need to go through it
- How to work through triggers
- And, so much more!
Connect with Tommy:
Website: https://www.wellnesshubyyc.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wellnesshub...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheWellnessH...
Private Readings: https://www.livealifeyoulove.org/sess...
Meet Your Guardian Angel Guided Meditation: https://mailchi.mp/livealifeyoulove.o...
Opening Things up Mini Mediumship Course: https://www.livealifeyoulove.org/open...
With love, Shauna xo
©2024 Shauna Domalain

Monday May 20, 2024
Monday May 20, 2024
When our loved ones transition from their physical body, they become pure energy in the Spirit World. Imagine how quickly the current travels to illuminate a lightbulb in the room - that's how quick Spirit Energy moves.
And, when we learn how to raise our vibration, and increase our energy, making the connection with our loved ones in Spirit becomes so much easier.
In this episode:
- Learn what may impact your connection with Spirit
- How fast your loved one's energy is moving
- Why the present moment is so important
- 3 ways to become more present, raise your vibration, so you can experience your loved one's energy
- How emotions play an important role in connecting
- And, so much more!
Meditations: Meet Your Guardian Angel Meditation: https://mailchi.mp/livealifeyoulove.o...
Orin & Daben: https://www.orindaben.com/
Spring Forest: https://www.springforestqigong.com/sh...
Upcoming Class: Mediumship Level I - https://www.livealifeyoulove.org/medi...
You can learn more or schedule a session at www.livealifeyoulove.org or email shauna@livealifeyoulove.org
With love and blessings,
Shauna xo
© 2024 Shauna Domalain

Monday May 06, 2024
How Our Loved Ones Help Us from Heaven
Monday May 06, 2024
Monday May 06, 2024
Our loved ones in Heaven are so eager to help from the Other Side! From signs, connecting with us, dream visitations, and moving new people and experiences into our world, their love and support can be felt in a myriad of different ways.
In this episode learn:
- How comforting it is when your loved one brings their energy closer
- Asking them to visit your dreams - and wake you so you know it's them!
- How to ask for signs from your loved one
- Just how beautiful and healing making the connection with them can be
- And, so much more!
Private Readings: https://www.livealifeyoulove.org/sessions.html
Meet Your Guardian Angel Guided Meditation: https://mailchi.mp/livealifeyoulove.org/guardian-angel-meditation
Opening Things up Mini Mediumship Course: https://www.livealifeyoulove.org/opening-things-up-mini-course.html
With love, Shauna xo
©2024 Shauna Domalain

Monday Apr 22, 2024
Experience Your Loved One in Heaven
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Our loved ones in Heaven are SO excited to make the connection with us! From dream visitations, feeling their presence nearby, and finding the signs they're sending, they are literally a thought away!
In this episode learn:
- How to expand your energy to make it easier to experience your loved one
- The 4 main spiritual gifts
- What your strongest spiritual gift is
- How to bring your loved one's energy closer to you
- Asking for signs from them
- And, so much more!
Private Readings: https://www.livealifeyoulove.org/sessions.html
Meet Your Guardian Angel Guided Meditation: https://mailchi.mp/livealifeyoulove.org/guardian-angel-meditation
Opening Things up Mini Mediumship Course: https://www.livealifeyoulove.org/opening-things-up-mini-course.html
With love, Shauna xo
©2024 Shauna Domalain

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Make the Connection with Your Angels
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Our angels are literally waiting in the wings to connect with us. In this episode Shauna will provide tools and different ways to raise your vibration so you can make the connection!
In this episode we explore:
1. How to raise your vibration
2. Becoming aware of distractions
3. Inviting your angels into your world
4. How your emotions play a role in connecting
5. And, so much more!
Meet Your Guardian Angel Guided Meditation: https://mailchi.mp/livealifeyoulove.org/guardian-angel-meditation
Angel Basics 101 - https://www.livealifeyoulove.org/angel-basics-online-class.html
You can learn more or schedule a session with Shauna at www.livealifeyoulove.org or email shauna@livealifeyoulove.org The Growing Up in Heaven Program is now available at www.livealifeyoulove.org where you'll learn a proven, step-by-step process to connect with, and experience your child as they grow up in Heaven.
With love,
Shauna xo
©2024 Shauna Domalain

Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
5 Things that may Weaken Your Spiritual Connection
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
Spirit energy is very subtle and if we are not fully present in the now we can miss it. Our spiritual connection can be weakened by a myriad of different things.
In this episode I share the top 5 things that can weaken your spiritual connection, and what to do about it so you CAN make the connection!
The 5 things are:
1. Distractions
2. Alcohol or recreational drugs
3. Your mindset
4. Grounding
5. Grief
Meet Your Guardian Angel Guided Meditation: https://mailchi.mp/livealifeyoulove.org/guardian-angel-meditation
You can learn more or schedule a session with Shauna at www.livealifeyoulove.org or email shauna@livealifeyoulove.org The Growing Up in Heaven Program is now available at www.livealifeyoulove.org where you'll learn a proven, step-by-step process to connect with, and experience your child as they grow up in Heaven.
With love,
Shauna xo
©2024 Shauna Domalain